Power Rangers HyperForce, the first licensed property to live-stream a table-top role playing game on Twitch


Power Rangers HyperForce is set in the year 3016 at Time Force Academy. A team of Time Force Ranger cadets must band together to defeat an ancient evil who is set on unraveling the very fabric of the universe. Under the leadership of their mentor, Jen Scott, and with the show’s Game Master, Malika Lim, the newly minted Rangers will cross both time and space to complete their mission while running into many familiar eras (and faces) along the way.

The stakes have never been higher as the players learn what it means to be a Ranger in a live, tabletop RPG environment where anything can happen.


Peter Sudarso

Marvin “Marv” Shih the Red Ranger

Brave and caring, Marv is quickly learning what it takes to be a leader. He initially joined Time Force under mysterious circumstances. His favorite saying is “One hundred percent or no percent!”

Andre Meadows

Eddie Banks the Blue Ranger

Team oriented best friend of Marv “Eddie” aka Edward Banks XXV comes from a long line of successful ancestors. Will joining the Time Force Academy lead him to make his mark on the world?

Meghan Camarena

chloe ashford the pink Ranger

Fun loving Chloe Ashford will do anything it takes to help others, even if it means sometimes breaking the rules.


Jack Thomas the Yellow Ranger

Much more than a simple beat cop, Jack has been serving the Time Force in hopes of finally becoming a Ranger. However being the most experienced of the group gives him wisdom that served the entire group well.


Vesper Vasquez the Blue Ranger

Mysterious Vesper is a tech minded expert who originally had little care for history lessons. How will she and the others take the lessons passed on from their instructor Jen Scotts and apply them on the field?


games master

Game designer Malika Lim is the game master for every episode of HyperForce overseeing the rules, and playing all the other non-playable characters from villains, civilians, and even the helpful Alpha 55.